
Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New year everyone!

Happy 2011!
Can you believe that this blog was started around this time? I had zero readers and zero views last year at this time (or I just didn't know how to check for them~ ^^;) but now I have lots of readers and lots of views!
I never really started this blog for popularity...but for more of a diary of my Lolita progress. My interests have grown so much since last year that I can barely keep up of what I'm writing about.
So what are you guys hoping on accomplishing this year? Last year was for me to become a better lolita, and I seem to have accomplished that! But this year I plan on:
Losing weight. It'll be easy since I have ddr and I play it every day.
Go to more Cons. I can't go to Katsucon because I have a play, but I'm trying to go to more smaller cons.
Buy my first Angelic pretty dress. Hopefully from and AP store. Which brings me to this really, really important thing:
I'm going to Japan!!!!
I am really, really excited about this! I'm only 14 and I already get to cross off one of my dream countries to visit! (This is the only reason I'm not going to many cons, but that's 0kay!) I'm ready to dive into the culture and hopefully not get too excited! Plus I'm horribly afraid of flying, so wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. That's so exciting! Japan is one of my dream countries too.
    Flying scares me too, despite having flown since I was little. Hope that works out all right! ^^'
    Yay for resoloving to go to more small cons! I want to as well. ^^
